25 x 7 Metre Berth/Mooring Port Ginesta Marina For Sale

25 x 7 Metre Berth/Mooring Port Ginesta Marina For Sale
Marina Berth Mooring For Sale or Rent
 For Sale

Marine Online

Marina Berth Brokers

Email: sales@marineonline.co.uk
Phone: +44 1582 841711

Marina Enquiry

I am interested in this Marina Berth to Buy or Rent or I have a Marina Berth to Sell or Rent in this Marina


Port Ginesta, approximately 3 miles SW of Barcelona, is a modern, well-run full facility marina located in Castelldefels, a tourist town notable for its wide sandy beaches. In the port there two lines of commercial premises catering for yachts and the shipyard has a covered hangar and hardstanding for approximately 70 boats.

Approach into Ginesta is easy, except in a strong SW, W or S wind when there can be a dangerous backlash from the outer wall; in these condi- tions it is necessary to keep close to the coast while entering. Once inside, the protection is good, but because of Ginesta's popularity it is advisable to book a berth before arrival.
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Marina Berth Mooring For Sale or Rent

Marine Online

Marina Berth Brokers

Email: sales@marineonline.co.uk
Phone: +44 1582 841711

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